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E-mail:  johnfallenwriter@gmail.com
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John F. Allen is an American author/writer and visual artist born in Indianapolis, IN.  He is a founding and active member of the Speculative Fiction Guild,. He is also an active member of the Indiana Writers Center. where he serves as a faculty member and teaches classes on writing. John began writing and producing artwork and short stories early in his childhood and has pursued various forms of writing throughout his career. He studied Liberal Arts at IUPUI with a focus in Creative Writing and Art, received an honorable discharge from the United States Air Force and is a current member of the American Legion. John’s debut novel, The God Killers was published in 2013, followed by a spin-off novella series titled, Codename: Knight Ranger.
John’s short stories have been featured in such acclaimed collections as Thunder on the Battlefield: Sword Volume One by Seventh Star Press, Trajectories by Hydra Publications and Black Pulp II by Pro Se Productions. Some of which are featured in his collection, The Best is Yet to Come which is currently published by Hydra Publications, along with The God Killers, Codename: Knight Ranger and Codename: Knight Ranger TGPC.

He also penned the novelization of respected screenwriter, Demetrius Witherspoon’s short film, Submerge: Echo 51

John currently resides in Indianapolis, Indiana and is married to an amazing woman named Mia. He has one adult child and a teenager from a previous marriage. John co-hosts a popular YouTube show with fellow author, RJ Sullivan, called The Two Towers Talk Show, which focuses on reviews of nerd related films, television series and creator interviews. He also is the creator of OG NERDS and serves as an administrator for the Facebook Community, which caters to nerds of a certain age (40+), but welcomes ALL nerds (18+). 
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Fun Facts

* Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
* Favorite food(s): Chicken, pizza, fish and burgers…DON’T JUDGE ME!
* Favorite color: Blue + Red = Purple
* Favorite music genre: Jazz


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